
Consent Rate Optimization: Configuring A/B Testing

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Consent Rate Optimization: Configuring A/B Testing
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Consent Rate Optimization requires an add-on purchase. If you are interested, please contact your account representative. You can find more information here.

Consent Rate Optimization (CRO) is an add-on to the Cookie Consent (CMP) product. It is a toolset of features design to test, report, analyze, and improve consent rate and visitor engagements. The core features included in this add-on are the following:

  1. A/B (Multivariant) Testing: Experiment with template variants, measure consent, and iterate to maximize opt-ins.

  2. Targeted Audiences: Define attributes and logic to deliver a specific template to the visitor.

  3. Authenticated Consent: Integrate with ID solutions to synchronize consent of known users across devices.

  4. Audience Manager: Define attributes and logic to deliver a specific CMP experience to each site visitor.

    For more information, see Configuring Audience Logic Using Geolocation Rules and Cross-Domain and Cross-Device Consent.

These tools serve to answer the questions: 

  • How can I improve my opt-in rate?

  • How can I consolidate an optimized consent strategy globally?

A/B Testing

A/B, or multivariant, testing provides out of the box capabilities to test how the existing template(s) used by a domain perform compared to up to three variants. This is scoped to the specific geolocations so that you may respect different jurisdictional guidance related user journey testing where required. For additional information, see Cookie Guidance.


A/B testing is not compatible with locally hosted scripts.

To configure A/B testing

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Testing Center. The Testing Center screen appears.

  2. Click the Add New button. The General Information screen appears.

  3. Enter the Test Name, Domain, and a Description (optional).


    You can only run one test per domain. If you have an existing test running on a domain, that domain will not display for selection.

  4. Click the Next button. The Variants Setup screen appears.

  5. For each geolocation rule group applicable to the domain, select the template you want to test for each variant. You can add up to three different templates/variants to each rule.


    You can enable or disable testing per geolocation rule group using the Enable Test setting.



    On each template, you must enable the Override Template Styling setting before A/B testing can function as expected. For more information, see Customizing the Banner Template and Customizing the Preference Center Template.

  6. Click the Next button. The Objectives Setup screen appears.

  7. Select the time duration (in days) for your test.


    Enable the Email Notifications after Completion of Test setting if you would like to be emailed when the test is completed.

  8. Click the Finish button. The Test Details screen appears.



    You can edit the test at any time using the Edit button on the Test Details screen.

  9. To start the test, click the Publish Production button. For more information, see Implementing Cookie Consent Scripts.


    One your test has begun, you cannot edit the test configuration (duration, success criteria, etc.).

  10. Once the test has started you can monitor results under the Report tab. When the test is over, you will be able to update your template and optimize your CMP based on the results.

To manually end a test

You can end your tests manually before they complete, if necessary.

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Testing Center. The Testing Center screen appears.

  2. Click the name of a test with the Running status. The Test Details screen appears.

  3. Click the End Test button. The End Test modal appears.

  4. Select an option to either

    • End the test early and collect results; or

    • Cancel the test and discard results.

  5. Click the Confirm button. You will be prompted to publish your production scripts to end the test. For more information, see Implementing Cookie Consent Scripts.

Frequently Asked Questions


What does the A/B testing functionality do?

With A/B testing, you can run different variant tests per different location. This means you will be able to add a variant per geolocation rule.


Is A/B testing limited to the Cookie Banner or can you adjust the Preference Center?

The variants can be different for both the Cookie Banner and Preference Center because variants are configured at the template level.  It is recommend that you only change one aspect at a time so you can understand what is affecting your opt-in rate.


How does the randomization for the A/B test occur?

This happens in the code you have via JavaScript function. We do not perform algorithmic selection.


How is the information captured in the A/B test stored?

The information is stored the same way as information captured through standard consent logging.


Is this data anonymized?

Yes, personally identifiable information is not used. It is based on a geolocation.


Is the A/B testing cookie-based?

Yes, we can load cookies pre-consent.


What parameters are available to test?

Currently, just country (geolocation) is available to test. Newer versions will be able to test age and a custom variable for a user.


What is the maximum number of variants we can test today?

Three variants can be tested under one control group.


Can you edit the details of a test (duration, success criteria, etc.) while a test is running?

No. Tests cannot be edited after launching.

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