
Enabling Consent Logging and the Cookie Consent Dashboard

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Enabling Consent Logging and the Cookie Consent Dashboard
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Cookie banners and Preference Centers can be configured to log records of consent and consent preferences from site visitors. One OneTrust scripts are added on a website, capturing consent records enables you to compare a site’s analytics data with what is captured in OneTrust.

User consent transaction data is available in Cookie Consent's Dashboard tab when you enable the Capture Records of Consent setting in a geolocation rule. If you have multiple geolocation rules set in your geolocation group, ensure you have this feature enabled for all the rules where you want to receive the users' consent details. This enable you to review interactions for a particular audience(s). After enabling the setting, you will need to publish scripts for the domain for which you want to start tracking consent.


OneTrust will only start recording user consent after the Capture Records of Consent setting is enabled. Any consent transactions that occur on the website before this setting is enabled are not tracked.

Site visitors are identified by the unique, anonymous cookie set on their devices after expressing consent preferences. The OneTrust cookie OptanonConsent does not contain or record any personally identifiable information at this point. For more information, see OneTrust Cookies.

Once the cookie is set on a data subject's device, each interaction the data subject has with the banner or Preference Center will be logged and associated with the identifier assigned to the cookie on their device and browser.


By default, the OneTrust scanner consent receipts are filtered out of consent logging unless you have disabled the Enable Unique User Agent setting while configuring the scan. For more information, see Scanning a Website.

To enable records of consent for a geolocation rule group

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Geolocation Rules. The Geolocation Rule Groups screen appears.

  2. Click on the name of the rule group you want to edit. The Geolocation Rule Group Details screen appears.

  3. Click the Edit icon edit_icon.png for the rule you want to edit.

  4. Enable the Capture Records of Consent setting.

  5. Click the Save button.


    You must publish the Production CDN followed by the Testing CDN to apply this configuration change.

Publishing the Production CDN will create a Collection Point for each combination of domain, rule group, rule, and template in the Universal Consent & Preference Management module, with purposes mapped for each category, purpose, and special feature. Once the collection point is created, the Testing CDN will also collect consent data and display in the Cookie Consent dashboard.


If you want to display user ID consent logging information related to your end users on the Preference Center, see the User ID section in Customizing the Preference Center Template.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics allow you to collect additional data on a purpose of processing. Enabling this for a category sends browser type, device type, and country where the user consented to the selected category. You can only select one processing purpose for Advanced Analytics per geolocation rule. This information will be shown in the dashboard.

  1. On the Geolocation Rule Group Details screen, select a processing purpose for Advanced Analytics.

  2. Click the Save button.

  3. Publish your changes.


Advanced Analytics will only be recorded if the user gives consent for the category to which you have assigned Advanced Analytics. If the user does not consent to the category that you have assigned, you will see Unknown in the Advanced Analytics widgets. If you would like Advanced Analytics to always be recorded, assign the Strictly Necessary category or a category that is set to Notice Only in your geolocation rule.


Consent sources (URLs) are automatically added to receipts if users consent to Advanced Analytics. Sources will not display in consent receipts when viewed from the dashboard, but can be accessed view bulk export.

For more information, see Bulk Exporting Consent Records.

Dashboard Overview

This section details filter options and how to review and export dashboard data.


It can take up to an hour for the user transaction data to be available in the Dashboard tab of the Cookie Consent menu.

Filtering Options

The entire consent rate dashboard may be filtered using the filter icon Filter_Button.png to display consent stats dynamically based on the criteria provided. This enable you to filter based on the Collection Point and—because the Collection Point is created as a combination of the domain, rule group, rule, and template—allows you to analyze consent in a variety of ways.

The default filter options include the following:

  • Source

    To filter by a singular domain, enter a name to search and select the collection points containing that domain name. This allows for a wholistic view of the consent interactions for all locations where website visitors interact with the Banner and Preference Center.

  • Template

    Enter a name to search and select the collection points you want to view in the dashboard. Filtering by template provides insight into how verbiage and layout may affect website visitor opt-in rate.

    For example, you can deploy a different template layout and change the text presented for Accept All to I Accept. After a week, you can check to see if you saw a higher or lower consent rate. This can be best tested using Consent Rate Optimization’s A/B testing that is available as an add-on service. For more information, see Consent Rate Optimization: Configuring A/B Testing.


    If you change your Template selection in the Geolocation Rule associated with your domain script and re-publish, the previously collected consent data will appear in the filtering tab under Not Tracked.

  • Time Windows

    You can filter the dashboard by time intervals of 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months and click Apply to enable the filter.

Analyzing Results

The Dashboard shows various pieces of information that are extremely valuable in understanding how a website visitor consents. Below, review what information is displayed for each widget and how this information may be used.

Total New Visitors

Total Receipts shows the total counts of interactions or impressions that a visitor has with the Banner and Preference Center. This does not remove duplicates but tracking the number of visitors who have multiple interactions can be gathered by Reporting.


Total New Visitors data includes the number of transactions received on the Banner or Preference Center based on filters applied.

For example, if a user interacts with the OneTrust Banner and then revisits your website and changes their preferences, this would show up as two total visitors and includes the details of each transaction made.

Another example: a user visits a website without a Banner and only a link to the Preference Center in the footer. When the user goes to another page on the site, or closes the tab or browser, this accounts for one transaction. When the user comes back, opens the Preference Center and changes consent, this is recorded as a second transaction and two total new visitors now display since there were two transactions.

Website Interactions

Every time a website visitor interacts with the Banner or Preference Center, the interaction is recorded.



Accept All

Cookie Banner

Reject All

Cookie Banner


Cookie Banner

Accept All

Preference Center

Save Settings

Preference Center

Reject All

Preference Center


Preference Center

Navigating to a new site

Closing the browser

Each interaction records the Transaction Type for a category, purpose, or special feature. Transaction types tell the state (active/inactive) and provide some information on the website visitor.

Transaction types include:

  • Opt-in (“CONFIRMED”) is sent when the visitor has a choice (consent model not equal to Notice Only) and the status of the category, purpose, or special feature is active. This means the user has accepted the cookie category.

  • Opt-out is sent when the visitor rejects all or disables a category, purpose, or special feature and saves settings.

  • Not Given is sent when the visitor clicks close, navigates to a different website, or closes the browser tab on a site where the OneTrust script is implemented, regardless of whether a Banner is displayed or only a Preference Center link has been implemented.


    This leaves the category state as-is, which means the consent is saved as it corresponds to the default settings configured in your geolocation rules. If the consent model is set to opt-out, the cookie category is allowed or accepted; if the consent model is set to opt-in, the cookie category is disabled or rejected.

  • No Choice is sent when the visitor is unable to make a selection as the category, special purpose, or feature is set to Notice Only.


Colors do not dictate the consent transaction type. You can hover on each option to view the consent type and the number of transactions with a given status.


New Visitors Opt-in

New Visitors Opt-in shows the Opt-in by consent group. This is due to the site visitor choosing to Accept All or if the site visitor chooses to enable certain consent groups in the Preference Center.


New Visitors Opt-out

New Visitors Opt-out shows the Opt-out (deny or reject) by consent group. This is due to the site visitor choosing to Reject All or if the site visitor chooses to disable certain consent groups in the Preference Center.


New Visitors Not Given

New Visitor Not Given shows when the user declined to interact with the Cookie Banner or Preference Center. This could be due to the site visitor closing the Cookie Banner, navigating away from the page, or closing the browser.


New Visitors By Device Type

New Visitor By Device Type will display the different device types recorded when enabling Advanced Analytics.


New Visitors By Country

New Visitor By Country will display the countries recorded when enabling Advanced Analytics.


New Visitors By Browser

New Visitor By Country will display the browser types recorded when enabling Advanced Analytics.



New Visitors by Device Type, Country, and Browser data are only available for users who have consented or allowed the category selected in the Advanced Analytics section in Geolocation Rules. All other users' data for the three groups will be listed as Unknown.

To export dashboard data

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Dashboards. The Dashboards screen appears.

  2. Click the Export button. The Export Dashboard modal appears.

  3. Configure the filter fields. For more information, see Export Dashboard Modal Reference.


    Filters applied on the Dashboard screen are not reflected in exports. Please configure the export filters based on the data you want to capture. When no filters are configured, all the data for past year is exported.

  4. Click the Export button. A confirmation modal appears.

  5. Click the Close button.

  6. Once complete, a task notification appears on the Notifications icon Notification_ICon.PNG.


    The export may take up to several minutes to complete.

  7. Click the Notifications icon. The Notifications popover appears.

  8. Click the Download link on the export notification. The export file downloads to your device.

Export Dashboard Modal Reference




CSV or Excel

Select the file type you would like for the export format.


If the number of records in an Excel export is over 500,000, the data will not be exported due to an Excel row limit.


Select the domain or domains for which you would like the consent data to be exported.


Select the template associated with the domains for which you would like the consent data exported.


If a template is not selected, all the consent data for the selected domain will be exported.

Time Range

Select the time range for which you would like to export the consent data.


Confirm the the data range and year before exporting your data.

To integrate and test on a website

When a user gives consent through the Banner or Preference Center, you will see a consentreceipts network call. This can be viewed on any website where OneTrust scripts are implemented by searching for consentreceipts in the Network tab of a browser's developer tools.


Users must make a preference selection on the Banner or Preference Center for the consentreceipts network call to be available.


Enabling the Capture Records of Consent setting means that there will be a collection point created against the domain the next time that you publish the Production CDN the consent and consent preferences will be collected. Once the script is placed on a domain, you will have two different API calls available after the user makes a selection on the cookie Banner or Preference Center.

  • An OPTIONS call that checks to ensure the portal to capture consent is available.

  • A POST call to log the visitor’s preferences. You can use this call to confirm that the correct consent preferences were logged in the payload.


Performing a receipt search

A particular consent can be viewed by performing a receipt search within the Receipts tab on the Cookie Consent menu.

This allows you to search for specific receipts via a receipt GUID or data subject identifier. The receipt GUID can be captured through the payload sent in the request as shown above. The data subject identifier can also be captured through the request payload “identifier” or within the OptanonConsent cookie as shown below.

  • Cookie Name: OptanonConsent

  • Cookie Value: isIABGlobal=false&datestamp=Thu+Jan+09+2020+16%3A10%3A27+GMT-0500+(Eastern+Standard+Time)&version=5.9.0&landingPath=NotLandingPage&groups=req%3A1%2Csm%3A1%2Csmv%3A1%2CBG139%3A1%2Cad%3A1%2Cadv%3A1%2CBG137%3A1%2Cpf%3A1%2Cpfv%3A1%2CBG138%3A1%2Cpzv%3A1%2Cpz%3A1%2CBG140%3A1%2Cbb%3A1%2Cbbv%3A1%2CBG141%3A1%2Csa%3A1%2Csav%3A1%2CBG136%3A1&hosts=&geolocation=NL%3BNH&consentId=2d0993a8-8956-4a76-b11b-f47bd335b785&interactionCount=2&AwaitingReconsent=false

You will be able to find the user transactions from their CONSENT ID found in the OptanonConsent cookie or retrieve the id using this in the console: OneTrust.getDataSubjectId().

Troubleshooting: Page reload causes failed consent receipts

If your consent receipts fail because of page reload, implement the following script:

<script>window.addEventListener('OTConsentApplied', function () { location.reload();});</script><script>window.addEventListener('OTConsentApplied', function () { location.reload();});</script>

This script must be placed after the onetrust scripts on the website for the event listener to work as expected and this makes sure the browser is reloaded after the consent preferences from the user are saved.

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