
Restoring or Publishing Previous Script Versions

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Restoring or Publishing Previous Script Versions
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Restoring a Previous Version

If after republishing your production script the changes are an issue on your website, you have the ability to restore to a previous version of the script within the Cookie Consent application.

To restore a previous version of a script

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Scripts. The Scripts screen appears.

  2. Click on the domain you want to restore to a previously published version.

  3. Navigate to the History tab.

  4. Using the Context Menu either choose Restore or Download.



    If you choose to Download, the previously published script will be downloaded just like if you use Download to Local in the Publish pane.

  5. When you Restore or Download, you will presented with an option to Require users to re-consent. If you enable, consent will be cleared for your website users. Every user will be prompted to re-consent after 24 hours. After deciding whether or not you would like to require re-consent, click Confirm.

  6. By clicking Confirm, you have reverted to the published version of the domain script.


You will not need to alter the script on your website if you have only changed template, geolocation, or cookie categorization configuration.

If your most recent publish only involved enabling Auto-Blocking or changed the Enable Language Detection on Scripts to Determine the language from HTML page, you will not need to restore your script. All you will need to do is remove the added Auto-Blocking Script or data document attribute.

Choosing a Script Version to Publish

The Choose a script version to publish feature allows to you to publish configuration to a previous OneTrust version.

When publishing a script to an older version than the current OneTrust version (e.g. OneTrust is currently on 6.7, but you want to publish your script to the 6.6 version), you will not be able to utilize any of the new features or bug fixes that were released with the most recent version of OneTrust (in the above scenario any features released with 6.7).

If selecting an older version, there will be a list of features that are incompatible for the selected publish version. These features will still be able to be configured in the Cookie Consent application, but the script will not be able to use those features if publishing to an older version.

If you’re updating to a newer version of the script than your current published version, you’re going to be getting all the latest and greatest features and bug fixes. Additionally, with these new features and bug fixes, there may be some changes that could affect the custom CSS or custom JavaScript on your site. Thus, we recommend going to the test script and publishing the test script to the newer version and testing those changes before publishing to production. Additionally in the publish panel, there is a link to the release notes for you to be able to review changes before publishing.

Support to publish to a particular script version will last a minimum of four releases after that release. For example, OneTrust releases 6.7 this means that you will be able to publish to the 6.7 version of the script up until and including OneTrust releases the 6.11 version (at a minimum).

If you have any concerns about publishing with a new script version, utilize the Testing CDN to test prior to publishing to production.

To publish a test script as a previous version

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Scripts. The Scripts screen appears.

  2. Select the Script you would like to re-publish.

  3. Click the Publish Test button.

  4. Select the version of the Script you want to publish.


    The features incompatible with the new script version will be displayed.

  5. Click the Confirm button.

  6. Select your publishing options. For more information, see Publishing and Implementing Cookie Consent Scripts.

To publish a production script as a previous version

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Scripts. The Scripts screen appears.

  2. Select the Script you would like to re-publish.

  3. Click the Publish Production button.

  4. Select the version of the Script you want to publish.


    The features incompatible with the new script version will be displayed.

  5. Click the Confirm button.

  6. Select your publishing options. For more information, see Publishing and Implementing Cookie Consent Scripts.

Using the Change Log


The Change Log is currently available as a Preview Feature. Contact support to enable this feature.

The Publish panes now contain critical changes that have been since last publishing the script. Critical changes include but are not limited to:

  • Changing the consent framework.

  • Change the geolocations associated with a Geolocation Rule.

  • Changing the consent model for a geolocation.

  • Enabling IAB TCF 2.0 Stacks.

  • Altering Cookie Groups.

The change log will not display cosmetic changes, such a branding or logos.

To view the change log

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Scripts. The Scripts screen appears.

  2. Select the Script you would like to republish.

  3. Click the Publish Production or Pubish Test button.

  4. Navigate to the Critical Changes tab on the Publish Pane. The old and new values for the critical settings are displayed.


To view publication history

  1. On the Cookie Consent menu, select Scripts. The Scripts screen appears.

  2. Select the Script for which you want to review publication history.

  3. Go to the History tab.

  4. Review the publication history.

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